Colour Bombs – A case study

This is the lovely Lyndsay. She came to me for this awesome colour transformation on the 29th November 2021.

On Sunday the 23rd January 2022 (8 weeks later) she contacted me to let me know how well her colour is staying and that’s because I sent her home with a Colour Bomb! As you can see from the below picture Lyndsay’s hair is still very vibrant even after 2 months
What is a colour bomb?
Well its a little pot of magic that allows you to “top up” your vivid hair colour at home. Just replace your normal conditioner with the coloured conditioner from your custom colour bomb once a week. Leave it on for a minimum of 10 minutes and hey presto! Refreshed colour.
Here at TJ Jack’s it’s really important to me that you feel you are getting real value from your hair colour. And a beautiful 8 week fade makes for happy clients and a happy stylist 😊
If you have any questions regarding vivid hair colour or colour bombs please call, message or email me.
Tara x